The Soup Bowl Recipes Team


Today marks my 3-month blogaversary (cue champagne cork popping), and I wanted to take a quick moment to thank the Soup Bowl Recipes team for all their help.

To the Toddler, Cowriter and Taste Tester: Thank you for occasionally deleting my posts, spitting out my meals, stealing food from my photo shoots, and monkeying around with important ingredients while my back is turned. You have been an amazing inspiration and pain in the butt. I love you “to infinity and beyond!”



To the Cat, Artistic Director and Model: Thank you for overseeing every photo shoot whether I want you to or not, for getting cat hair in my food, and photobombing my pictures as often as you can. You are a loyal companion and also a pain in the butt. I love you (most of the time).

To the Husband, Food Critic, Waffle Maker, and Comic Relief: Thank you for giving me your honest, un-sugarcoated opinion of every meal even when it stings, for wrangling the Cat and the Toddler when they are getting underfoot, for making me laugh when I’m taking myself too seriously, and most of all, for stealing me away from the kitchen every so often to show me a good time. You have been a tremendous support and the biggest pain in my butt of them all. I love you and your delicious waffles!

And also a big thanks to my good friend Mike – your expertise in the world of blogging and social media has been tremendously helpful!

I couldn’t have done any of this without any of you. And now, back to work…

3 thoughts on “The Soup Bowl Recipes Team

  1. Congrats on the milestone Emily! Many people don’t get to the three month mark. I know how hard it is to come up with new content, make it, take and resize photos and write the post. Keep going, you’re doing a great job!



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